In this Weekly Dispatch:
- CSIRO has conducted a survey of Australian attitudes to the energy transition.
- ZEN Energy has proposed a 1 GW/8 GWh pumped hydro project upstream of the Warragamba Dam.
- Alinta CEO Jeff Dimery says that the energy transition will come at a cost and that governments and industry should work to ensure vulnerable customers aren’t left behind.
- DCCEEW releases its Western Australia Design Paper – Capacity Investment Scheme Note that Endgame has recently launched its WEM price projection service to complement our ongoing NEM price projections – please reach out to us at if you are interested in discussing the recent paper or our service.
- Great Barrier Reef suffering ‘most severe’ coral bleaching on record
- The federal Government discusses a Future Made in Australia Act focused on boosting rare earths mining and processing, hydrogen and solar energy production.
- Podcast of the week: Is this the new era of climate capitalism?