The Weekly Dispatch: Made in Oz

In this Weekly Dispatch:

  1. CSIRO has conducted a survey of Australian attitudes to the energy transition.
  2. ZEN Energy has proposed a 1 GW/8 GWh pumped hydro project upstream of the Warragamba Dam.
  3. Alinta CEO Jeff Dimery says that the energy transition will come at a cost and that governments and industry should work to ensure vulnerable customers aren’t left behind.
  4. DCCEEW releases its Western Australia Design Paper – Capacity Investment Scheme Note that Endgame has recently launched its WEM price projection service to complement our ongoing NEM price projections – please reach out to us at if you are interested in discussing the recent paper or our service.
  5. Great Barrier Reef suffering ‘most severe’ coral bleaching on record
  6. The federal Government discusses a Future Made in Australia Act focused on boosting rare earths mining and processing, hydrogen and solar energy production.
  7. Podcast of the week: Is this the new era of climate capitalism?
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