The Weekly Dispatch: Budget buzz

In this Weekly Dispatch: The Federal Budget included funding for the transition to net zero including funding for the Future Made in Australia Innovation fund and incentives for green hydrogen. France has announced the winners of the first commercial-scale floating…

The Weekly Dispatch: Once more unto the breach

In this Weekly Dispatch: The Federal Government has released its future gas strategy outlining the role gas will play in the energy transition and outlining options for meeting projected shortfalls. AEMO Services has published a market brief on Tender 1…

The Weekly Dispatch: There are only trade-offs

In this Weekly Dispatch: The Grattan Institute has published a report on NEM reliability. The Queensland Government has announced a $1,000 electricity bill credit to all households from 1 July. Greg Williams of ARENA writes on the unique history of…

The Weekly Dispatch: Love me tender

In this Weekly Dispatch: The Commonwealth and NSW governments have announced a tender for 6 GW of renewable capacity with at least 2.2 GW in NSW. AEMO Services announced that the 1 GW LDS LTESA tender will open next month.…

The Weekly Dispatch: Firming fears

In this Weekly Dispatch: Last week saw a stretch of very low wind across the NEM. David Osmond notes that it’s the lowest wind output in the renewable NEM simulation to date. El Nino has ended. The QLD opposition has…

The Weekly Dispatch: Valuing emissions reduction

In this Weekly Dispatch: Ministers have published the methodology for calculating the Value of Emissions Reduction as an average of the escalated ACCU price and IPCC abatement figures. The resulting interim values range increase from $70/tonne in 2024 to $420/tonne…

The Weekly Dispatch: Solar surge

In this Weekly Dispatch: The Queensland Government has released the Renewable Energy Zone Roadmap. It aims to support 22 GW of new renewable capacity in up to 12 REZs across Queensland. The Federal Government has announced $1 billion investment for…

The Weekly Dispatch: Running out of gas

In this Weekly Dispatch: The Draft DMO determination shows (real) reductions in the DMO across all regions after 2 years of sharp increases. The 2024 GSOO shows risks of gas supply shortfalls arising on extreme peak demand days from winter…

The Weekly Dispatch: Driving change

In this Weekly Dispatch: The CEC published Clean Energy Australia 2024. The report notes record financial commitments for storage in 2023 but finds that utility-scale renewables are being deployed at about half the required rate to meet targets. The Electric…

The Weekly Dispatch: Florence is on the move

In this Weekly Dispatch: The ABC provides an update on Snowy 2.0. Rio Tinto has signed Australia’s largest PPA agreement to power its Gladstone assets. Over at WattClarity, Allan O’Neil gets into the weeds of dispatch during the loss of…